
How to open a new app using side-by-side in Stage Manager on iPad

  Hold SHIFT on your keyboard to open side-by-side The Problem with Stage Manager I've tried being one of those people who uses their iPad Pro as a computer. In my opinion, it's not really possible right now due to many annoyances and limits in the operating system. If you're a user of Stage Manager, you'll have noticed that unlike other desktop operating systems, when you open an app from the tray with one open already, iOS will minimize the first app and launch the new one. It seemed counter-productive since Stage Manager is running; I expected the two apps to be running together. The Solution The fix is simple, if you're using a keyboard that is. To launch another app side-by-side without minimizing the app you have open hold SHIFT on your keyboard when selecting the app. This works if you open an app from the tray or press CMD+Space to search for an app first.

Seth Godin on cash flow and not raising investment capital

As a founder, one of the most important lessons I’ve learned is the power of cash flow in maintaining independence. Seth Godin perfectly captures this idea when he says, "If we don't run out of cash, no one can tell us what to do." In the early stages of building a business, it’s easy to become consumed with raising capital, seeking out investors, and worrying about funding. But the more I reflect on it, the clearer it becomes: self-sufficiency is key. When you manage your cash flow well and keep the business running on its own, you're not just surviving—you’re keeping control of your vision and your decisions. Investors can bring valuable resources, but they can also bring constraints, pushing you to meet their expectations over your own. Cash flow, on the other hand, gives you the freedom to take risks, experiment, and focus on the long-term goals that matter most to you and your business. For any entrepreneur, the goal shouldn’t just be about scaling quickly or att

The Great Pinball Purge: When Mayor LaGuardia Took a Sledgehammer to Fun

Mayor LaGuardia knocking over a pinball machine In the annals of quirky historical events, few can rival the spectacle that unfolded on January 21st, 1942. This was the day when New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia decided he had enough of the “slimy crews of tinhorns” who pushed pinball machines, likening them to a gateway to gambling hell. The good mayor took drastic action and ordered a citywide ban on these seemingly innocent arcade amusements. And thus began the Great Pinball Purge. LaGuardia, a tenacious figure of half-Italian, half-Jewish descent, was known for his zealous fight against corruption and crime. He had already made a name for himself by shutting down brothels, rounding up slot machines, and arresting gangsters on any charge he could find. Pinball, in his eyes, was yet another vice to be stamped out. To LaGuardia, pinball machines were not just games; they were insidious devices that tempted the youth into gambling addiction, thereby undermining the moral fabric of

The Future of Self: How Wearables Could Unlock a World of Self-Discovery

  The Future of Self: How Wearables Could Unlock a World of Self-Discovery Imagine a world where you can gain deep insights into your own behavior, habits, and even emotional state. No, this isn't science fiction. A recent episode of The Vergecast, "Inside the AI memory machine" , explored the potential of AI-powered memory analysis and wearable technology to revolutionize self-awareness. The podcast discussed the idea of an AI that can analyze your life's data – emails, messages, meetings, and even social media interactions – to identify patterns and provide insights into who energizes you, what stresses you out, and even how you communicate with others. While the technical hurdles of processing massive data sets were acknowledged, the conversation sparked my imagination about the possibilities of wearable technology that could analyze our behavior in real-time. Beyond just revisiting memories, what if a wear